Odom Lab
Odom laboratory
NOTE FROM DUNCAN ODOM: This openwetware lab homepage is being left online as a snapshot of the lab in 2013. For more current information, please see https://www.dkfz.de/en/regulatorische-genomik/index.php
We are located in the Cancer Research UK - Cambridge Institute, at the University of Cambridge
Addenbrooke's Biomedical Research Campus. We are also affiliated as an Associate Faculty laboratory
of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton. Our research uses liver hepatocytes to understand the evolution
and control of tissue-specific transcription in mammals, which is often perturbed in cancer.
Congratulations to Sarah Aldridge and Stephen Watt for their paper in Genome Biology!
Lab MembersResearch
PublicationsProtocolsContact usCancer Research UK Lab web linksUniversity of Cambridge |
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