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  • These are words I look up often enough to paste them here because my memory is terrible. No Judging

modality refers to the attitude of the speaker to the action indicated by a verb, especially with regard to necessity / desirability or probability.

Frankfort School refers to a school of neo-Marxist . In order to fill in the perceived omissions of traditional Marxism, they sought to draw answers from other schools of thought, hence using the insights of antipositivist sociology, psychoanalysis, existential philosophy, and other disciplines.[1] The school's main figures sought to learn from and synthesize the works of such varied thinkers as Kant, Hegel, Marx, Freud, Weber and Lukács.[4]

Axiomatic - self -evident or unquestionable

Metonymy - A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated (such as "crown" for "royalty"

Conjecture A conjecture is a proposition that is unproven but appears correct and has not been disproven. Karl Popper pioneered the use of the term "conjecture" in scientific philosophy. Conjecture is contrasted by hypothesis (hence theory, axiom, principle), which is a testable statement based on accepted grounds. In mathematics, a conjecture is an unproven proposition or theorem that appears correct.

Recondite –adjective 1.dealing with very profound, difficult, or abstruse subject matter: a recondite treatise. 2.beyond ordinary knowledge or understanding; esoteric: recondite principles. 3.little known; obscure: a recondite fact.

Aristotle's Four Causes

  1. A thing's material cause is the material it consists of. (For a table, that might be wood; for a statue, that might be bronze or marble.)
  1. A thing's formal cause is its form, i.e. the arrangement of that matter.
  1. A thing's efficient or moving cause[2] is "the primary source of the change or rest." An efficient cause of x can be present even if x is never actually produced and so should not be confused with a sufficient cause.[3] (Aristotle argues that, for a table, this would be the art of table-making, which is the principle guiding its creation.)[1]
  1. A thing's final cause is its aim or purpose. (For a seed, it might be an adult plant. For a sailboat, it might be sailing. For a ball on the top of a ramp, it might be the ball rolling down the ramp.)