Motor Control Group:Talks

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Postdoctoral position in imaging analysis and computational neuroscience

The imaging and motor control group at Western University (PI: Jörn Diedrichsen) is looking to hire a new postdoctoral fellow. The position focuses on the multivariate analysis of neuroimaging data in the context of sensori-motor and cerebellar function. The incumbent must have a PhD in Neuroscience, Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering, or related area, and a strong track record in the quantitative analysis of behavioral and / or neural data as witnessed by excellent peer-reviewed publications. In-depth experience with functional magnetic resonance imaging is also desired.

The main neuroscience focus of our lab are the basic sensory and motor processes related to the control of the hand, skill acquisition, and the function of the human cerebellum in motor control and cognition. On the methodological side, the lab is developing new methods for the multivariate analysis of brain imaging data, and for the analysis of anatomical and functional data from the cerebellum. For more information and new publications, see Our lab works closely with the Pruzynski lab and Gribble lab with expertise in motor control in both humans and non-human primates. We are located at the Brain and Mind Institute at Western University in London, Canada, with affiliations in the Departments for Statistics and Computer science. Systems and cognitive neuroscience is a key area of research strength at Western University, with more than 30 Principal Investigators and 200 trainees. High-resolution functional imaging at 7T and 3T is available in-house. The position is funded by an operating grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) for up to 5 years. Initial appointments will be for a period of 1 year, with possibility for renewal. Annual salary depends on the level of experience but will be no less than $42,000. Start date is negotiable. Reimbursement for moving expenses will be available.

Applications should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to, using the reference number JD-NSERC-PDF-2016 as the subject line. The review of applications has begun, but the call continues to be open until the position is filled. The application should include:

CV A statement of research interest outlining current experience and planned project, not exceeding 2 pages Names and contact information for three academic referees

MSc / PhD in Neuroscience

The lab will accept one MSc / PhD student from the Neuroscience program for fall 2017. For more information about the program see here.

Applications should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to, using the reference number JD-PhD-Neurosci-2017 as the subject line. The application should include a CV (stating citizenship / candian residency status), a short statement of research interest (500-1000 words), and contact details for 3 academic referees. Review of the applications will occur on a rolling basis. Interviews will be held mid-January.

MSc / PhD in Statistics / Computer Science

We are also looking for a MSc / PhD student in Statistics or Computer Science . Research in the lab mostly focusses on applying machine learning and advanced statistical techniques to the analysis of brain imaging data and neuronal recordings, and to modelling of human motor behavior.

Applications should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to, using the reference number JD-PhD-Neurosci-2017 as the subject line. The application should include a CV (stating clearly citizenship / candian residency status), a short statement of research interest (500-1000 words), and contact details for 3 academic referees. Review of the applications will occur on a rolling basis. Interviews will be held mid-January.