Moore Notes 5 8 13
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Group Call
- Participants: Katie, Jonathan, Tom, Stephen, Ladan, Guillaume, Dongying
- JE: Invited to Ed DeLong metagenomics meeting in Catalina (NSF)
- SFams updater
- Tom & Guillaume have finished updater code
- Tim L has done the QC code and functional annotation code
- No help yet from JGI regarding annotation files
- So doing our own annotations
- Job with new genomes (>2000) will be launched in two weeks
- JE: what about contigs from environmental samples and not just genomes?
- Tom: talked to C. Titus Brown, who thinks this is possible
- Would have to modify some of automation workflow (e.g., outside IMG)
- JE: BAC and cosmid sequences
- Tom: let's work on this after the current update, e.g., for next paper
- Tom: what about assembled metagenomic genomes (e.g., IMG MG)?
- Stephen: need to be cautious about seeding families with truncated sequences
- KP: Discuss at June 17 meeting
- Niche mapping of protein functions in soil data (with Jack Gilbert)
- Continental US samples
- Tom: If ecologically diverse, should we work on this?
- Josh will follow up on marine samples
- Stephen: misclassification could be a problem
- Tom: more diverse communities means
- Josh: global diversity estimation
- June 17 Meeting
- Logistics
- Start time? 10am
- Lunch in
- End by 5pm
- Organization of presentations
- Code: MRC, sims, diversity mapping, simulations, phylogenetic OTUs
- Data: SFams new release, classification outputs of metagenomes (e.g., English Channel)
- Analyses: Maps, English Channel results, simulation results, maybe phylogenetic OTUs on genomes
- Brainstorming sessions on specific topics: SFams new features, merging MRC with PhyloSift, accurate relative abundance of protein families
- Logistics
- Progress report text due to Katie by May 26th at latest