Moore Notes 1 30 13

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PI Call with GBMF

  • Participants: Katie, Jonathan, Samantha Forde
  • Progress report follow up
    • Who is using SFams
    • Dongying's marker families and their context/role versus SFams
      • Extend AMPHORA phylogenetic markers, for taxonomic characterization
      • SFams more generally for functional characterization
    • MRC available?
      • Yes, on github
    • Niche Modeling code available?
      • Yes, by request from us for now, maybe QIIME later
      • Send her ISME paper
  • Tracking down data for protein family mapping
    • Samantha will talk to PIs
      • Matt Sullivan
      • Ginger Armbrust
      • CAMERA
    • What is MMI data release policy?
      • Typically 6 months from generation
      • At publication for sure
      • Difficulties finding a place to put it, manage the distribution, etc.
      • New journal: Microbiome (BMC journal)
  • Challenges we have encountered
    • How to search for hits to protein families
    • Data availability for protein maps
    • Computer and Bioinfo Core staff set up slow, but moving forward
  • MMI Job Description
    • Fellow to assess the landscape and maybe do some convenings
  • MMI website revamping
    • Will need an abstract for iSEEM2 (250 words)
  • Date for May or June in person meeting