Miniprep - GET Buffer protocol
<html><h2>Solutions/reagents:</h2><ul type="circle"><li>overnight culture</li><li> <a name="ice-cold GET buffer"> ice-cold GET buffer <i><br><tab><div style="margin-right: 600px;">(50 mM glucose (MW 180), 10mM EDTA, 25 mM Tris-HCl pH 8)</div></i></a></li><li>0.2M NaOH stored at room temperature</li><li> <a name="ice-cold potassium acetate solution"> ice-cold potassium acetate solution <i><br><tab><div style="margin-right: 600px;">(3 M potassium acetate, 1.8 M acetic acid, no pH adjustment)</div></i></a></li><li>95% / 100% ethanol</li><li>70% EtOH</li><li>TE buffer</li><li>distilled water</li><li> <a name="PCA solution">PCA solution <i><br><tab><div style="margin-right: 600px;">((optional)50 parts phenol, 49 parts chloroform, and 1 part amyl-alcohol)</div></i></a></li><li>SDS</li><li> <a name="lysozyme">lysozyme <i><br><tab>(optional)<br></i></a></li></ul><h2>Equipment:</h2><ul type="circle"><li>Centrifuge</li><li>Sterile 2-ml microcentrifuge tubes</li></ul><h2>Steps:</h2><ol><p><li>Measure out <b><font color=#357EC7>2 ml</font></b> of <font color=#357EC7>overnight culture</font> into sterile 2-ml microcentrifuge tube (1).<br></li></p><p><li>Centrifuge at <font color=#357EC7>maximum speed</font> for <b><font color=#357EC7>1 min</font></b> at <b><font color=#357EC7>room temperature</font></b>, gently aspirate out the supernatant and discard it.<br></li></p><p><li>Measure out <b><font color=#357EC7>100 µl</font></b> of <a href="#ice-cold GET buffer" ><font color=#357EC7>ice-cold GET buffer</font></a> into sterile 2-ml microcentrifuge tube (1).<br>Resuspend pellet by vortexing/by shaking vigorously.<br></li></p><p><b><font size=3>(Optional)</font></b><br>Add <b><font color=#357EC7> 10 mg</font></b> of <a href="#lysozyme" ><font color=#357EC7>lysozyme</font></a>.<br>Store at <b><font color=#357EC7><b><font color=#357EC7>room temperature</font></b></font></b> for <b><font color=#357EC7>30 mins</font></b>.<br><font color = "#800517"><i>This step is essential for lysing gram-positive cells.</i></font><br></li></p><p><li>Measure out <b><font color=#357EC7>200 µl</font></b> of <font color=#357EC7>0.2M NaOH</font> into sterile 2-ml microcentrifuge tube (2).<br>Add <b><font color=#357EC7> 2 mg</font></b> of <font color=#357EC7>SDS</font>.<br>Vortex the mixture for a few secs.<br></li></p><p><li>Measure out alkaline SDS solution into sterile 2-ml microcentrifuge tube (1).<br>Close the tube tightly and gently mix the contents by inverting the tube.<br><font color = "#800517"><i>DO NOT VORTEX! The solution should become clear.</i></font><br></li></p><p><li>Add <b><font color=#357EC7>150 µl</font></b> of <a href="#ice-cold potassium acetate solution" ><font color=#357EC7>ice-cold potassium acetate solution</font></a>.<br>Close the tube tightly and gently mix the contents by inverting the tube.<br><font color = "#800517"><i>DO NOT VORTEX! A precipitate should form.</i></font><br></li></p><p><li>Store the tube <b><font color=#357EC7>on ice</font></b> for <b><font color=#357EC7>3 - 5 mins</font></b>.<br></li></p><p><li>Centrifuge at <font color=#357EC7>maximum speed</font> for <b><font color=#357EC7>10 mins</font></b> at <b><font color=#357EC7><b><font color=#357EC7>room temperature</font></b></font></b> and aspirate out <b><font color=#357EC7>400 µl</font></b> of top layer.<br>Transfer top aqueous layer into sterile 2-ml microcentrifuge tube (3).<br>Discard bottom layer.<br><font color = "#800517"><i>DO NOT PICK UP ANY PRECIPITATE!!!</i></font><br></li></p><p><b><font size=3>(Optional)</font></b><br>Measure out <b><font color=#357EC7>400 µl</font></b> of <a href="#PCA solution" ><font color=#357EC7>PCA solution</font></a> into sterile 2-ml microcentrifuge tube (3).<br>Close the tube tightly and gently mix the contents by inverting the tube.<br>Centrifuge at <font color=#357EC7>maximum speed</font> for <b><font color=#357EC7>3 mins</font></b> at <b><font color=#357EC7><b><font color=#357EC7>room temperature</font></b></font></b> and aspirate out the top layer.<br>Transfer top aqueous layer into sterile 2-ml microcentrifuge tube (4).<br>Discard bottom layer.<br><font color = "#800517"><i>This helps remove any residual proteins.</i></font><br></li></p><p><li>Measure out <b><font color=#357EC7>900 µl</font></b> of <font color=#357EC7>95% / 100% ethanol</font> into sterile 2-ml microcentrifuge tube (4).<br><font color = "#800517"><i>This is to precipitate the plasmid DNA.</i></font><br></li></p><p><li>Store at <b><font color=#357EC7>-80°C</font></b> for <b><font color=#357EC7>30 mins</font></b>.<br><font color = "#800517"><i>Use the -80°C freezer.</i></font><br></li></p><p><li>Centrifuge at <font color=#357EC7>maximum speed</font> for <b><font color=#357EC7>10 mins</font></b> at <b><font color=#357EC7>room temperature</font></b>, gently aspirate out the supernatant and discard it.<br></li></p><p><li>Add <b><font color=#357EC7>1 ml</font></b> of <font color=#357EC7>70% EtOH</font>.<br>Store at <b><font color=#357EC7><b><font color=#357EC7>room temperature</font></b></font></b> for <b><font color=#357EC7>3 mins</font></b>.<br></li></p><p><li>Centrifuge at <font color=#357EC7>maximum speed</font> for <b><font color=#357EC7>3 mins</font></b> at <b><font color=#357EC7>room temperature</font></b>, gently aspirate out the supernatant and discard it.<br><font color = "#800517"><i>Make sure the pellet is toward the outside.</i></font><br></li></p><p><li>Dry the pellet in air for <b><font color=#357EC7>10 - 15 mins</font></b>.<br></li></p><p><li><font color = "#800517"><i>Make sure the pellet is completely dry before this step.</i></font><br><p><b>Option 1: </b>Add <b><font color=#357EC7>20 µl</font></b> of <font color=#357EC7>TE buffer</font>.<br>(or)<br><b>Option 2: </b>Add <b><font color=#357EC7>20 µl</font></b> of <font color=#357EC7>distilled water</font>.<br></p><p>Resuspend pellet by vortexing/by shaking vigorously.<br><font color = "#800517"><i> The DNA will contain RNA contamination, which can be removed by resuspending in TE with RNAse.</i></font><br></li></p></ol></ul></ul><p><b>TOTAL TIME REQUIRED FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE PROTOCOL :<font color=#357EC7>~ 1 hr, 50 mins</font></b></p></html>