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Welcome to the homepage of the miR Network Zurich (MiNZ).

The miR Network Zurich (MiNZ) was founded to facilitate the exchange of information, tools and protocols, as well as spark off collaborations between researchers and students working on microRNAs in Zurich. As this is a relatively new field of research, researchers - and especially students - cannot always rely on the experience of their supervisors and often work "in isolation". Thus, the MiNZ should serve as a forum to get in contact with each other. To this end, we are organizing social events for students and postdocs, which should allow people to get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere. In the future we might also have regular meetings to discuss our data and benefit from the ideas and experiences of our colleagues.

On this homepage you will find information about upcoming activities, the members of the MiNZ and their individual projects. Furthermore, you will find links to various tools and other resources useful for the study of miRNAs. Please contact us for suggestions or inquiries.