Mass Univariate ERP Toolbox: Other EEG Analysis Software Packages

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Below are links to other freely available EEG analysis software packages. Please feel free to add more:


  • Brainstorm: EEG, MEG, & MRI
  • Chronux: software for analysis of neural dynamics (everything from spikes to EEG)
  • Current Source Density Toolbox: software for computing Laplacian or current source density (CSD) estimates for surface potentials (EEG/ERP)
  • eConnectome: software specialized for the analysis and visualization of brain functional connectivity
  • EEGLAB: extensively developed software package that supports time and frequency domain analysis, ICA, and source localization.
  • emegs: software for psychophysiological data analysis
  • EPILAB: for studying seizure prediction
  • ERPLAB: software specialized for event-related potential (ERP) analysis
  • ERPWAVELAB: software for time-frequency analysis with nice GUIs
  • FASTER: EEGLAB compatible software for automatic artifact rejection
  • FieldTrip: extensively developed software package that supports time and frequency domain analysis and source localization.
  • SPM: extensively developed software package that supports time and frequency domain analysis, source localization, and dynamic causal modeling.

Qt Based

  • emegs: software for psychophysiological data analysis
  • AnyWave: software for MEG and EEG data analysis

C & MATLAB Based

  • spectral analysis software using matching pursuit