Maloof Lab:haz waste

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Department of Plant Biology
1002 Life Sciences, One Shields Ave.
University of California Davis
Davis, CA 95616

Contact Prof Harmer: slharmer at
Contact Prof Maloof: Contact

Harmer/Maloof Lab Safety Guidelines

  1. Chemical hazardous waste containers must be disposed of through EH&S within 9 months of the date that waste was first placed in the container, or 90 days if 1 pound or 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste is accumulated.
  2. Hazardous waste containers must have a completely filled out waste label affixed to them.
  3. When starting a new chemical waste container you must completely fill out and affix a waste label to it.
  4. If you fill a waste container up to its full capacity or notice that it's over 9 months old, please notify your respective lab safety officer so he/she may request a pick up.
  5. Hazardous waste containers must be kept fully closed with a secure lid, except when adding or removing waste.
  6. Hazardous waste containers must be in good condition and compatible with the chemical constituents of the waste.
  7. Please notify your respective lab safety officer if you notice anything you deem unsafe related to hazardous waste storage.