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Open Positions

Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology


One NIH-funded postdoctoral position is available immediately in the Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center at Baylor College of Medicine, one of the top medical schools in the United States. The successful candidate will be expected to develop and utilize bioinformatics algorithms to interpret and integrate various epigenome and transcriptome next-generation sequencing data for a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying human diseases. This position also offers many opportunities for collaboration in methodologically and biologically challenging areas, including but not limited to stem cells, development, cancer and aging.


The ideal candidate should have 1) a Ph.D. in a related field (Bioinformatics, Biology, Statistics, Physics or Computer Science). 2) strong skills in at least one programming language (python, perl, R or C/C++) and/or large-scale data analysis skills. Some training in molecular biology is preferred and substantial experience in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology is a plus. However, a highly self-motivated candidate with strong training in other areas (e.g., Physics or Computer Science) is also encouraged to apply. Salary is highly competitive and dependent upon previous experience.

About the laboratory

The laboratory of Prof. Wei Li ( has a proven track record in bioinformatics algorithms development as demonstrated by a dozen bioinformatics publications over the past several years. In addition to methodology development, we are involved in large consortium projects such as NIH Roadmap Epigenomics Program and The Cancer Genome Atlas Program. We also have close collaborations with several labs on identifying global regulation targets of transcription factors, including Estrogen Receptor (Cell 2005, Nature Genetics 2006), Androgen Receptor (Molecular Cell 2007, Cell 2009) and FoxA1 (Cell 2008).

How to apply

Applicants should submit a CV, pdf files of your best papers and the name/contact information of three references to Prof. Wei Li ( with email subject "Postdoctoral application".

Ad in Nature

Scientific Programmer position

Ideal candidates should have a Bachelor or Master degree in Computer Science or related field and strong programming skills such as python/perl, C/C++, SQL/CGI, Java, etc. Prior bioinformatics training/experience is a plus. The primary object is to implement web-based and/or stand-alone software tools that enable biomedical researchers to interpret their large-scale genomics/microarray data.

How to apply: Applicants should submit a CV and name/contact information of three references to Dr. Wei Li (WL1 at bcm dot tmc dot edu) with email subject "Scientific Programmer application".

Ad in Nature

Multiple openings for graduate students