Kupfer Lab:Antibodies

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Position Antibody Company/
Origin Position Antibody Company/
1. BLM SC14018 rabbit 33.
2. ATM SC1212 goat 34.
3. 35. MAD2 SC goat
4. TP1 SC13052 rabbit 36. E2F4 SC512 rabbit
5. TRF2 SC9143 rabbit 37. c-MYC beads BD
6. nPKC SC937 rabbit 38. c-MYC peptide SC789P
7. KU86 SC5280 mouse 39. goat HRP
8. HIS SC8036 mouse 40.
9. DAPI 41.
10. HAT1 SC8752 goat 42.
11. TopoII Calbiochem/
mouse 43.
12. PIK SC5585 rabbit 44. DNAPK SC goat
13. p53(Ab-2) Calbiochem/
mouse 45. cycA SC239
14. LaminB(Ab-1) Calbiochem/
mouse 46. streptavidin
15. PKC(MC5) SC80 mouse 47. FANCD2 mouse
16. CDK4 SC260 rabbit 48. MS13
17. CycD2 rat 49. cdc25A SC97 rabbit
18. GADD45 SC797 rabbit 50.
19. IgG2B 51. p130 SC317 rabbit
20. 52. p300 SC584 rabbit
21. MAD2 goat 53. BRCA2 SC1818 goat
22. cyclinD2 SC452 rat 54. NOXA ProSci2437
23. NFKB SC114 rabbit 55.
24. TAX rabbit 56.
25. 57.
26. cycD3 SC rat 58. p53 BD554147 mouse
27. Texas red mouse 59. Bcl-XL SC634 rabbit
28. 60. FANCGSer387 Upstate
29. BRCA1 61. pFANCGSer383 Upstate
30. TOPOI SC5342 goat 62. PUMA(CT) ProSci3041
31. p60 63. p53 CalbiochemOP43
32. RAG-1 SC363 rabbit 64.