Kubke Lab:/Notebook/Cranial nerve development/2015/01/07

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- cleared and cleaned hk027 embryo, however in hindsight I did not spend enough time doing this thoroughly, I realise that at older ages it becomes more important but also harder and harder to clean the connective tissue off it - diO didn't image properly in all three injection sites, need to assess whether that is to do with the dye itself, Fabiana tells me it's common that diO is a weaker dye so perhaps it had penetrated (the nerve stub was certainly injected strongly) but just wasn't showing up because the hind brain wasn't clean enough, it also may not have been incubated long enough so I am going to make a conscious effort to dissect in the morning so that they can have a full 24 hours of incubation - chat w fabiana about needing more of a set plan which we will discuss on friday -lab meeting was short but good to see everyone again (or most people because 3 were still away) - did hk028 - stage 20,same pattern as previous embryo but younger and hopefully I will spend more time clearing this
