Kubke Lab:/Notebook/Cranial nerve development/2011/01/24

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  • 8.45AM: Addressed comments left by Fabiana in the notebook during the past week --Malisha Hettiarachchi 15:11, 23 January 2011 (EST).
  • 9.15 AM: Populating the following page for embryo MH005.
  • 9.50AM: Reuben and I are gelatin subbing slides --Malisha Hettiarachchi 15:50, 23 January 2011 (EST).


Populating my embryo pages during drying and soaking times. --Reuben Cutfield 19:02, 23 January 2011 (EST) Worked on entries for RC001,2,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13 &14. Going for lunch --Reuben Cutfield 20:10, 23 January 2011 (EST)


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