Kubke Lab:/Notebook/Cranial nerve development/2011/01/10

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  • 10:30am Meeting with Fabiana. Discussed providing links alongside citations for articles. Made plans for the week:
    • Today: Staging exercise.
    • Tomorrow: Dissection practice.
    • Wednesday: Cryostat sectioning in Satya's lab. Cryostat not avialable on Wednesday - Moved to Thursday
    • Thursday: Staining sections, coverslipping and practice analyzing sections. Cryostat sectioning
  • 11:00am Began staging exercise.
    • Compiled pictures of the net of the gross anatomy of the chick embryo.
    • Re-labeling embryos with my perceived stage and writing notes in my notebook as to why I chose that stage. --Reuben Cutfield 19:14, 9 January 2011 (EST)

Completed the staging of 10 embryos labeled RC005 through to RC014. Have labeled them and put them inside a labeled container called 'Embryos Staged by Reuben'. --Reuben Cutfield 22:02, 9 January 2011 (EST)

(Note: Please remember to update your entries, if your plans change, otherwise it is hard to link to the actual record of the activity --MF Kubke 05:34, 20 January 2011 (EST))


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