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Johan de Boer

Centre for Biomedical Research
University of Victoria,
PO Box 3020 STN CSC,
Victoria, B.C. V8W 3N5
Phone: 250-472-4072
Fax: 250-472-4075

jdboer ^at^ uvic ^dot^ ca

Dr. Johan de Boer’s research relates to the initiation and prevention of cancer by nutrition. He uses rodent models to study the genotoxicity of dietary and environmental carcinogens and how nutritional compounds can modulate the mutagenicity and alter gene expression. Bacterial and mammalian cell culture systems do not properly mimic an animal with its many different tissues and complicated metabolic systems, thus strains of transgenic mice have been developed and are used for the evaluation of mutagenicity of chemical compounds, the effect of ageing on mutation, and the study of mutation in tumours. In his spare time he works on the cGRASP project.