Knight:In vitro transcription protocol - source code

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# include "BioCoder.h"

void main()
	start_protocol("Knight- Invitro Transcription");

	Fluid repressor = new_fluid("repressor");
	Fluid pcr_template = new_fluid("PCR template");
	Fluid trans_buffer = new_fluid("5X E. coli RNA polymerase transcription buffer");
	Fluid tcep = new_fluid("TCEP");
	Fluid ntp = new_fluid("2.5 mM each NTP");
	Fluid water = new_fluid("RNase-free water");
	Fluid holoenzyme = new_fluid("E. coli RNA polymerase holoenzyme");
	Fluid dnase_buffer = new_fluid("DNaseI buffer");
	Fluid dnase = new_fluid("DNase");

	Container rxn_tube1 = new_container(RXN_TUBE);
	Container rxn_tube2 = new_container(RXN_TUBE);
	//Prepare template DNA
	//   1. Generate linearized template via PCR. Do a 100 μL reaction using VF2 and VR.
	//          * Can be done once, frozen and reused. 
	first_step("Prepare template DNA");
	to_do("Generate linearized template via PCR. Do a 100 μL reaction using VF2 and VR.");
	comment("Can be done once, frozen and reused.");

	//Option 1: Preincubate repressor and DNA
	//   1. Mix
	//          * 20 μL repressor
	//          * 2 μL of PCR template
	//                o Do the same for relevant controls. 
	//   2. Incubate 2 hours on benchtop.
	//   3. Make up 50 μL reaction
	//          * 22 μL repressor-DNA mixture
	//          * 10 μL 5X E. coli RNA polymerase transcription buffer
	//          * 0.5 μL of 500 mM TCEP since DTT chelates zinc
	//          * 10 μL of 2.5 mM each NTP
	//          * 5 μL RNase free H2O
	//          * 2.5 μL E. coli RNA polymerase holoenzyme 
	//   4. Incubate at 37°C for 1 hr. 
	first_option("Preincubate repressor and DNA");

	measure_fluid(repressor, vol(20, UL), rxn_tube1);
	measure_fluid(pcr_template, vol(2, UL), rxn_tube1);
	comment("Do the same for relevant controls.");

	incubate(rxn_tube1, RT, time(2, HRS));

	name_sample(rxn_tube1, "repressor-DNA mixture");
	Fluid fluid_array[6] = {rxn_tube1.contents, trans_buffer, tcep, ntp, holoenzyme, water};
	char*tube[1] = {"Reaction"};
	Volume* volumes[6] = {vol(22, UL), vol(10, UL), vol(0.5, UL), vol(10, UL), vol(2.5, UL), vol(5, UL)};
	mixing_table(2, 7, fluid_array, tube, volumes, vol(50, UL), rxn_tube2);

	incubate(rxn_tube2, 37, time(1, HRS));

	//Option 2: Set up transcription reaction
	//   1. Make up 50 μL reaction
	//          * 25 μL RNase free H2O
	//          * 10 μL 5X E. coli RNA polymerase transcription buffer
	//          * 0.5 μL of 500 mM TCEP (since DTT chelates zinc)
	//          * 10 μL of 2.5 mM each NTP
	//          * 2 μL of PCR template <-perhaps cut this down? DNA is a pretty bright band?
	//          * 2.5 μL E. coli RNA polymerase holoenzyme 
	//   2. Incubate at 37°C for 1 hr. 
	next_option("Set up transcription reaction");

	Fluid fluid_array[6] = {water, trans_buffer, tcep, ntp, pcr_template, holoenzyme};
	char*tubes[1] = {"Reaction"};
	Volume* volumes[6] = {vol(25, UL), vol(10, UL), vol(0.5, UL), vol(10, UL), vol(2, UL), vol(2.5, UL)};
	mixing_table(2, 7, fluid_array, tubes, volumes, vol(50, UL), rxn_tube2);

	incubate(rxn_tube2, 37, time(1, HRS));

	//DNase treatment (optional)
	//This step hasn't been tried.
	//An optional step is to treat the reaction with RNase free DNaseI to remove the template DNA.
	//   1. Add 6 μL DNaseI buffer
	//   2. Add 3 μL H2O
	//   3. Add 1μL DNaseI
	//   4. Incubate 1 hr at 37°C
	//   5. Heat inactivate for 10 mins at 75°C 
	optional_step("DNase treatment");
	comment("This step hasn't been tried.");
	comment("An optional step is to treat the reaction with RNase free DNaseI to remove the template DNA.");
	measure_fluid(dnase_buffer, vol(6, UL), rxn_tube2);
	measure_fluid(water, vol(3, UL), rxn_tube2);
	measure_fluid(dnase, vol(1, UL), rxn_tube2);
	incubate(rxn_tube2, 37, time(1, HRS));
	store_for(rxn_tube2, 75, time(10, MINS));
	comment("This is to heat-inactivate the enzyme.");
