Knight:Colony PCR protocol - source code
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#include "BioCoder.h"
#define X 60
void main()
start_protocol("Knight - Colony PCR");
Fluid supermix = new_fluid("PCR supermix");
Fluid vf2 = new_fluid("VF2", "40 µM");
Fluid vr = new_fluid("VR", "40 µM");
Fluid colony = new_fluid("colony template");
Container rxn_tube = new_container(RXN_TUBE);
// Reaction mixture
//1X Reaction
// * 9 μL PCR supermix
// * 0.25 μL 40μM VF2
// * 0.25 μL 40μM VR
// * 0.5 μL colony template
first_step("Reaction Mixture");
Fluid fluid_array[4] = {supermix, vf2, vr, colony};
Volume* volumes[4] = {vol(9, UL), vol(0.25, UL), vol(0.25, UL), vol(0.5, UL)};
char* tube[1] = {"Colony PCR"};
mixing_table(2, 5, fluid_array, tube, volumes, vol(10, UL), rxn_tube);
//PCR conditions
// 1. 95°C for 15 mins
// 2. 94°C for 30 secs
// 3. 56°C for 30 secs
// 4. 68°C for 1 min per kb of expected product
// * I typically round up for this step. i.e. For a 3.6kb construct, I used a 4 min elongation time. It seems to help to be a bit generous with the elongation time.
// 5. Repeat 2-4 39 times.
// 6. 68°C for 20 mins
// 7. 4°C forever
next_step("PCR conditions");
pcr_init_denat(rxn_tube, 95, time(15, MINS));
thermocycler(rxn_tube, 39, 94, time(30, SECS), 56, time(30, SECS), 68, time(X, SECS), NORMAL);
comment("Elongation time : 1 min per kb of expected product. I typically round up for this step. i.e. For a 3.6kb construct, I used a 4 min elongation time. It seems to help to be a bit generous with the elongation time.");
pcr_final_ext(rxn_tube, 60, time(20, MINS), 4);
//Run a gel to determine amplification product length.
name_sample(rxn_tube, "PCR products");