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Our official website is now hosted on the UC Davis Plant Sciences site.
- Merotto jr., A., M. Jasieniuk, and A.J. Fischer. 2010. Distribution and Cross-Resistance Patterns of ALS-Inhibiting Herbicide Resistance in Smallflower Umbrella Sedge (Cyperus difformis). Weed Science 58:22-29.
- Ward, S. and M. Jasieniuk. 2009. Sampling Weedy and Invasive Plant Populations for Genetic Diversity Analysis. Weed Science 57:593-602.
- Sherwood, A.M, and M. Jasieniuk. 2009. Molecular identification of weedy glyphosate-resistant Lolium (Poaceae) in California. Weed Research 49:354-64.
- Merotto jr., A., M. Jasieniuk, and A.J. Fischer. 2009. Estimating the outcrossing rate of Cyperus difformis using resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides and molecular markers. Weed Research 49:26-36.
- Davis, A.S. J.C. Hall, M. Jasieniuk, M.A. Locke, E.C. Luschei, D.A. Mortensen, D.E. Riechers, R.G. Smith, T.M. Sterling and J.H. Westwood. 2009. Weed Science Research and Funding: A Call to Action. Weed Science 57:442-448.
- Okada, M., M. Lyle, and M. Jasieniuk. 2009. Inferring the introduction history of the invasive apomictic grass Cortaderia jubata using microsatellite markers. Diversity and Distributions 15:148-57.
- Okada, M., B.J. Grewell, and M. Jasieniuk. 2009. Clonal spread of invasive Ludwigia hexapetala and L. grandiflora in freshwater wetlands of California. Aquatic Botany 91:123-29.
- Merotto A Jr, Jasieniuk M, Osuna MD, Vidotto F, Ferrero A, Fischer AJ. 2009. Cross-resistance to herbicides of five ALS-inhibiting groups and sequencing of the ALS gene in Cyperus difformis L. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 57(4):1389-98.
- Jasieniuk, M., R. Ahmad, A. M. Sherwood, J. L. Firestone, A. Perez-Jones, W. T. Lanini, C. Mallory-Smith and Z. Stednick. 2008. Glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in California: distribution, response to glyphosate, and molecular evidence for an altered target enzyme. Weed Science 56:496-502.
- Jasieniuk, M., M.L. Taper, N.C. Wagner, R.N. Stougaard, M. Brelsford, and B.D. Maxwell. 2008. Selection of a Barley Yield Model Using Information-Theoretic Criteria. Weed Science 628-36.
- Ahmad, R., P-S Liow, D.F. Spencer, and M. Jasieniuk. 2008. Molecular evidence for a single genetic clone of invasive Arundo donax in the United States. Aquatic Botany 88:113-120.
- Okada, M., R. Ahmad, and M. Jasieniuk. 2007. Microsatellite variation points to local landscape plantings as sources of invasive pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana) in California. Molecular Ecology 16:4956-4971.
- Ahmad, R., M. Okada, J.L. Firestone, C.R. Mallek, and M. Jasieniuk. 2006. Isolation, characterization, and evaluation of microsatellite loci for cultivar identification in the ornamental pampas grass Cortaderia selloana. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 131(4):499-505.
- Kern, A. J., T. M. Myers, M. Jasieniuk, B. E. Murray, B. D. Maxwell, and W. E. Dyer. 2002. Two recessive gene inheritance for triallate resistance in Avena fatua L. J. Hered. 93:48-50.
- Jasieniuk, M. and B. D. Maxwell. 2001. Plant diversity: new insights from molecular biology and genomics technologies. Weed Sci. 49:257-265.
- Jasieniuk, M., B. D. Maxwell, R. L. Anderson, J. O. Evans, D. J. Lyon, S. D. Miller, D. W. Morishita, A. G. Ogg, Jr., S. Seefeldt, P. W. Stahlman, F. E. Northam, P.Westra, Z. Kebede, G. A. Wicks. 2001. Evaluation of models predicting winter wheat yield as a function of winter wheat and jointed goatgrass densities. Weed Sci. 49:48-60.
- Jasieniuk, M., B. D. Maxwell, R. L. Anderson, J. O. Evans, D. J. Lyon, S. D. Miller, D. W. Morishita, A. G. Ogg, Jr., S. Seefeldt, P. W. Stahlman, F. E. Northam, P. Westra, Z. Kebede, and G. A. Wicks. 1999. Site-to-site and year-to-year variation in Triticum aestivum - Aegilops cylindrica interference relationships. Weed Sci. 47:529-537.
- Benham, J., J.-U. Jeung, M. Jasieniuk, V. Kanazin, and T. Blake. 1999. Genographer: a graphical tool for automated fluorescent AFLP and microsatellite analysis. J. Agr. Genomics 4:399.
- Jasieniuk, M., Brûlé-Babel, A. L., and I. N. Morrison. 1996. The evolution and genetics of herbicide resistance in weeds. Weed Sci. 44:176-193.
- Jasieniuk, M. 1995. Constraints on the evolution of glyphosate resistance in weeds. Resistant Pest Management 7:31-32.
- Jasieniuk, M., I. N. Morrison, and A. L. Brûlé-Babel. 1995. Inheritance of dicamba resistance in wild mustard (Brassica kaber). Weed Sci. 43:192-195.
- Jasieniuk, M. and B. D. Maxwell. 1994. Population genetics and the evolution of herbicide resistance in weeds. Phytoprotection 75 (Suppl.):25-35.
- Jasieniuk, M., Brûlé-Babel, A. L., and I. N. Morrison. 1994. Inheritance of trifluralin resistance in green foxtail (Setaria viridis). Weed Sci. 42:123-127.