Jacobs:Protocol Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Set-up and DNA Agarose Gel
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PCR is used to amplify specific regions of DNA. It can amplify a single gene, parts of a gene or non-coding regions. We will use PCR to amplify the FAK and Cre sequences in mice.
- DEPC-treated H2O
- PCR 2X Master Mix(PCR 2X Master Mix contains DNA polymerase, deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs),divalent cations (magnesium) and buffer solution.
- Oligos (primers)
- DNA template
- DNA ladder
- Ethidium bromide (EtBr)
- 0.5 ml PCR thin-walled tube
- Pipetman
- Filtered pipette tips
- 1.5ml microcentrifuge tubes
- 1% agarose/Tris-Borate EDTA (TBE)/EtBr gel
- 1X TBE buffer
- UV transilluminator
- Ethidium bromide extractor
- One person will prepare a master mix for the entire class:
- Label two microcentrifuge tubes: “FAK” and “Cre”
- In each labeled microcentrifuge tube, mix the following for each master mix :
- Each person will prepare four PCR reactions using DNA from two mice
- Label four 0.5 ml PCR thin-walled tubes: “648FAK”, “648Cre”, “54FAK”, “54Cre” along with your initials on each tube
- Add 24 μl of each master mix to the appropriate tubes: FAK or Cre
- Add 1 μl of appropriate DNA template from mouse #648 and #54 into each tube
- Vortex and centrifuge for a few seconds
- Load into thermocycler and run the “FAK” thermocycling program overnight
- PCR products will be stored at 4C
Run DNA agarose gel on Thursday:
- A 1% agarose/TBE gel will be prepared ahead of time
- Place the agarose gel in gel box with wells on the right hand side
- Add enough TBE buffer to just cover the gel
- Load 7 μL DNA ladder into the first well
- Label two 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes: “648FAK+Cre” and “54FAK+Cre”
- Mix 10 μL of each of your PCR products (FAK and Cre) for one animal in corresponding appropriately labeled tube and add 3 ul 10X Blue Juice dye:
- Tube labeled “648FAK+Cre” will contain: 10 μL of 648FAK + 10 μl of 648Cre + 3 μl Blue Juice dye
- Tube labeled “54FAK+Cre” will contain: 10 ul of 54FAK + 10 μL of 54Cre + 3 μl Blue Juice dye
- Load 10 μl of each DNA mixture into separate wells (all groups will load their samples on the same gel)
- Keep track of which wells contain your samples
- Run gel at 100V for ~1 hr, be sure the blue gel front is moving toward the anode (+)
- Stop the gel before the blue gel front runs off of the gel
- Remove the gel from the gel box wearing gloves (leave the TBE buffer in the gel box in case we have to run the gel longer)
- Place gel on UV transilluminator for visualization of DNA bands and note size of bands
- FAK2/3 PCR Products:400 bp band = Floxed FAK allele,290 bp band = Wildtype FAK allele
- Cre PCR products: 800 bp band = alpha1(I)Col (2.3kb)-Cre
- Run excess TBE buffer through an ethidium bromide extractor before disposing of it down the sink
- Store used extractor wrapped in plastic and log the volume of flow through.
- History: CRJ-ABC, last updated 8/15/07
or instead, discuss this protocol.