Jacobs:Protocol Oil Red O Staining
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Protocol for Oil Red O Staining. Useful for identifying adipocytes.
- Citrate concentrate solution
- Oil Red O
- 99% isopropanol
- Distilled water
- Acetone
- 60% isopropanol
- Hematoxylin
- Whitman paper
- Transfer pipets
- Serological pipets/Pipet aid
- Water bath
- Timer
- Waste beaker
- 70% EtOH
- Markers
- Gloves
- Citrate Working Solution (store in 4C for long term use)
- 2mL citrate concentrate solution
- 8mL deionized water
- Oil Red O Stock Solution
- 300mg Oil Red O
- 100mL 99% isopropanol
- Staining Solution
- 6 parts of stock Oil Red O
- 4 parts of distilled water
- Allow to stand for 10min
- Filter this solution with Whitman paper
- Working solution is stable for 1-2 hr
- Warm citrate working solution
- Prepare fixative solution: 2 parts citrate working solution + 3 parts acetone
- Remove media
- Wash cells 2x with PBS
- Fix with 1ml fixative solution for 30sec
- Wash cells 1x with distilled water for 45sec. Do not allow plates to dry.
- Stain in 1ml staining solution for 6-15min
- Clear background using 1ml 60% isopropanol
- Wash well in distilled water
- Counter stain with 1ml hematoxylin for 5min
- Rinse with distilled water
- Lipid: Red
- Nuclei: Blue
- History: CRJ-EJC, last updated 2/21/07