Ibe communities
Institute of Biological Engineering Communities
What is an IBE Community?
A Community is a group of IBE members who have interest in a common subject area that is a subset of the Institute.
What is the purpose of the IBE Communities?
The purpose of a Community is to provide input on IBE programs, including annual meeting sessions, professional development programs, and webinars; provide nominations for awards and committees; and provide input to the Executive Committee and Councilors.
List of Communities currently established in IBE:
- Ecological Engineering (Chair:Prem Parajuli, co-Chair:Joel Paz)
- Biomedical Engineering (Wiki Page) (Chair:Mark Haidekker)
- Biosensors and BioNano (Chair:Jeong-Yeol Yang, co-Chair:Angela Pannier)
- Biology Systems Engineering (Chair: Caleb Carr, co-Chairs:Czarena Crofcheck, Alyssa Henning)
- Education Community (Google Group) (Chair:Kaustubh Bhalerao)
Charge to the IBE Communities
In order to fulfill the obligations set forth in the bylaws, communities must:
- Elect a member to represent the community on the Council.
- Elect an Executive Committee, consisting of a Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary Submit an annual report and submit it to the Council.
- Prepare and submit bylaws (samples bylaws to be distributed shortly)
In order for the community to serve its members and IBE the following goals have been suggested:
- Actively recruit new members from IBE into the community
- Actively recruit new members for IBE and the community
- Suggest session topics for the annual meeting and potential keynote speakers
- Actively recruit presenters to the session at the annual meeting that are aligned with the community, especially those new to IBE (submit names to the program chair)
- Contribute to the IBE Blog (http://blog.ibe.org/) and the E-Newsletter (cdevine@ibe.org)
- Use the IBE Wiki to share resources (http://openwetware.org/wiki/Ibe_communities)
- Promote the value of IBE and the community to the public
Very specific goals have been set for all of the communities for the 2013 Annual Meeting:
- Identify industries that are aligned with the community to Czar Crofcheck (Crofcheck@uky.edu) so that we can recruit new partners from industry. Industry partners located close to Raleigh, NC are a high priority for the 2013 meeting.
- Put together a poster for your community to be displayed at the annual meeting. These posters will be displayed in the registration area for the duration of the conference. In order to have some continuity between the posters from the various communities, please discuss items to include with Czar Crofcheck (crofcheck@uky.edu).
- The community chair (or designee) will need to attend the Council meeting and report to the council about the community’s business over the last year.