IGEM:Indian Institue of Technology Madras/2009/Notebook/PLASMID - Plasmid Locking Assembly for Sustaining Multiple Insert DNA/2009/09/06

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  • Measured the flourescence of all the inoculated broths from the previous day.
  • I13521; J04450; were good. Showed red Flourescence.
  • 502(B); 500(B); 019(C); 019(B); I13600; I13602; did not show cyan flourescence ---- > these cupped.
  • J+S(B)--> might have cupped.
  • no minipreps done as RFP parts were already there and CFP cupped.
  • Ligations: (F set)
  • J23119 + 1C3;
  • S03879 + 1C3;
  • K17005 + 1C3;
  • K145151 + 1C3;
  • J13002(1) + 1C3;
  • J13002(2) +1C3;
  • B0014 + 1C3.
  • Also J23119(S/P)(A) + E0420(X/P)(C) --> selected on amp.
  • R0010(S/P)(C) + E0420(X/P)(A)(RK) --> select on Chl.
  • J23119(S/P)(A) + I13507(X/P)(C) --> select on Amp.
  • R0040(S/P)(C) + E0420(X/P)(A)(RK) --> select on Chl.
  • Transformed I13522; I13504, E0430, from the Kit and E0420 from RK.
  • Ran the Gel for all the digest.
  • Gel Order.
  • B0014(E/P); E0420(X/P); E0420(X/P)(RK); J13002(E/P)(1);J13002(E/P)(2); I13507(X/P); J23119(E/P); Ladder; J23119(S/P); K117005(E/P); K145151(E/P); R0010(S/P);R0040(S/P); S03879(E/P); 1C3(E/P).