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Gel Purification
- Pour a 8% acrylamide gel
- Prepare 120 mL of gel solution
- 57.6 g urea (8M urea final concentration, MW 60)
- 24 mL 40% acrylamide stock (19:1 acrlylamide:bisacrylamide, 8%
- Prepare 120 mL of gel solution
final concentration)
- 24 mL 5xTBE (1xTBE final concentration)
- 700 uL 10% ammonium persulfate (APS)
- 80 uL TEMED
- Prepare gel comb, plate and spacer assembly
- Pour gel into plate and spacer assembly
- Let polymerize
- Set up gel in gel electrophoresis apparatus, pour in 1xTBE
- Resuspend oligos in 300 uL TE
- Take 150 uL, add 150 uL 2xGLB (containing urea)
- Incubate for 3 minutes in a ~50C water bath
- Run at 180 volts for 1 hour
- Disassemble plates
- Place gel on plastic wrap
- Place white sheet of paper underneath plastic wrap
- Cut out bands illuminated by a handheld UV transilluminator,
preferably at longer wavelength
- Add 2 mL crush and soak buffer
- Rotate on 37C shaker overnight
- Recover supernatant into two x 1mL eppendorf tubes
- Speedvac down to ~300 uL (approx.
5 hours)
- If one speedvacs below 300 uL, then add water back to ~300 uL
- Add 900 uL ethanol to each tube and invert six times gently
- Incubate at -20C for 30 minutes
- Spin 16100 rcf 20 minutes at 4 C
- Decant supernatant
- Spin tubes briefly in microfuge to collect liquid on the bottom of
the tube
- Pipette out remaining liquid
- Add 500 uL 75% ethanol, gently invert tube six times
- Spin tubes 16100 rcf 2 minutes at 4 C
- Remove the supernatant with pipettor
- Repeat 75% ethanol wash
- Speedvac tubes for five minutes
- Add 100 uL TE to each tube
- Incubate at room temperature for ten minutes
- Combine the two 100 uL into 200 uL
- Measure A260 and A280 for 4 uL DNA + 76 uL TE
- Use 80 uL TE as a blank
- Calculate concentration of DNA using [http://paris.chem.yale.edu/
extinct.html| biopolymer calculator]
- Add 190 uL DNA + calculated volume of TE to bring the concentration
to the desired level (e.g. 10 uM or 20 uM)