IGEM:Harvard/2006/Brainstorming 6 12
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June 12, 2006
DNA nanostructures
- opening/closing dynamically using DNA sticky ends or DNA binding protein, investigating protein design
- make a tight box
- making a latch to be opened by a certain receptor
Global warming
- cyanobacteria - circadian oscillator -> synthetic oscillator
- neurospora - light sensitive repressor
Computer Analogies
- Memory
- plasmid memory, memory management, garbage collection/mark and sweep
- addressable
- Counter
- telomeres, buffer with red flourescent protein or a self-destruction sequence
- Cryptography
- fold DNA nanostructure - key is native strand of DNA in one cell, message of oligomers sent to that cell
- Debugger
- something before the reporter
- making a bunch of parameters and seeing what we can get
- perhaps working a debugger into our specific system
Alternative splicing
- Hijacking commensal bacteria
- Yogurt - lactobacillusacidophillus
Ftsk translocase
- simple manipulations of DNA, spitting DNA into media
Fuel production
- Ethanol in yeast or E.coli
Biobricks in eukaryotes
- protein domain system (MCB 100 work)
Message Relay System
- Passing molecules
- Assembling messages
Notes from first meeting (pdf)