IGEM:Brown/2007/IGEM 2007 Meetup at Brown

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Modified schedule (8/7/07)

3:30-5:00 = Meeting up, Ice breakers, team presentations

5:00-6:00 = Discussing the future of Synthetic Biology and iGEM

6:00-8:00 = Dinner

8:00-9:00 Waterfire

We've got MIT, Harvard (probably not), Cold Spring Harbor, McGill (~3), and Brown (7) attending. Let me know if you have any questions about travel or accommodations, I'm happy to help!

From a previous email:

August 18th Here's the schedule for Providence, Rhode Island: 12:00-1:00 Meeting up, ice breakers 1:00-2:00 10 minute talks by each team 2:00-3:30 Lunch 3:30-4:30 Discussion about ideas for the future

For those who are interested, we'll be heading out to dinner afterwards, throwing a party after that. For those who want to head out, there is a 4:45 train to Boston.

There is also going to be Waterfire on August 18th. For those of you who haven't heard of this, Waterfire is a great attraction where huge bonfires are lit all along the three rivers of downtown Providence. At nighttime it's quite the sight to see. Starts at around 8 pm. The last train out is at 10 PM.