Hydrochloric acid

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Hydrochloric acid, abbreviation HCl(aq), is a common acid both in the body and in the lab. It is, for example, a major component of gastric acid (pH 1-2, 0.5% w/v HCl). In experiments, it is used among other things to set the pH in buffers (e.g. Tris) and to reveal antigens (e.g. BrdU). Chemically speaking, it is a solution of the gas hydrogen chloride = HCl(g) in water.

Conversion % HCl to M HCl

chemical/physical data

  • 37% w/w HClaq has a density of 1.19 kg/L [1][2]
  • molecular weight of HCl = 36.5 g/mol [3][4]

% to molar conversion

  • % w/w HCl to w/v HCl: 37% HCl x 1.19 kg/L density = 0.44 kg/L HCl
  • w/v to mol/v: 0.44 kg/L / 36.5 g/mol = 12 mol/L

Thus, fuming/concentrated HCl 37% is 12 molar (= M = mol/L).

diluted HCl from concentrated HCl

  • 1M HCl: add 1mol/12M = 83 ml conc. HCl to 1L of water or 8.3ml to 100ml
  • 2M HCl: add 2mol/12M = 167 ml conc. HCl to 1L of water or 16.7ml to 100ml

(other calculation start out with 37.5% and arrive at 82ml for 1M HCl [5])


See also