Haynes Lab:Notebook/Characterizing AHL quorum sensing homologs/2015/03/05

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Today I am doing a digestion of the KAH 126 plasmid that was mini-prepped on 1/28/2015 (in CRISPR notebook).
Here are the contents used:
Reaction 1

Thing Vol
0.5ug Plasmid 1.1 uL
EcoRI 0.5 uL
PstI 0.5 uL
Green digest buffer 1 uL
Water 6.9 uL

Reaction 2

Thing Vol
0.5ug Plasmid 1.23 uL
EcoRI 0.5 uL
PstI 0.5 uL
Green digest buffer 1 uL
Water 6.77 uL

After pipetting each thing into a PCR tube, I ran the product on a gel to see if there was any cutting. This will allow us to conclude whether or not the plasmid is what we think it is.