Haynes Lab:Notebook/Characterizing AHL quorum sensing homologs/2014/01/27

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Ran all 30 ul of the PCR products from Friday on gel. Did gel extractions using zymo kit. Eluted in 50ul.

Sample 260 280 260/280 ng/µL
G GG mCh 0.038 0.022 1.732 37.513
G GG I13522 no GFP 2 0.047 0.028 1.699 47.261
G GG I13522 no GFP 3 0.033 0.02 1.631 32.562
G GG I13522 no GFP 4 0.045 0.029 1.578 45.351
G GG I13522 no GFP 5 0.041 0.024 1.672 40.521

Put DNA at -20.