Harvard:Biophysics 101/2007/Notebook:Xiaodi Wu/2007-2-6

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#!/usr/bin/env python

from Bio import GenBank, Seq

# Wait message
print "thinking...please wait one moment..."

# Create GenBank object to parse a raw record
record_parser = GenBank.FeatureParser()
ncbi_dict = GenBank.NCBIDictionary('nucleotide', 'genbank', parser = record_parser)
# Download and parse record
parsed_record = ncbi_dict['119392085'] # IHH gene

print "GenBank ID:", parsed_record.id

# Extract the sequence from the parsed_record
s = parsed_record.seq.tostring()
print "total sequence length:", len(s)

# Translate!
p = Seq.translate(s).split('*') # Split a stop codon
q = Seq.translate('C' + s).split('*') # Try a different frame
r = Seq.translate('CC' + s).split('*') # Try another
# pc = Seq.translate(Seq.reverse_complement(s)).split('*') # And yet another
# qc = Seq.translate('C' + Seq.reverse_complement(s)).split('*') # And another
# rc = Seq.translate('CC' + Seq.reverse_complement(s)).split('*') # And another

# Group them all
pqr = p
# pqr.extend(pc)
# pqr.extend(qc)
# pqr.extend(rc)

# Find start codon for each
def trim(x): return x[x.find('M'):]
p_trimmed = map(trim, pqr)

# Find longest of them
def max(x, y):
  if len(x) < len(y): return y
  else: return x
p_max = reduce(max, p_trimmed)
print "total translated sequence length:", len(p_max)

max_repeat = 9

print "\npoly-A count -- method 1"
for i in range(max_repeat):
    substr = ''.join(['A' for n in range(i+1)])
    print substr, s.count(substr)

print "\npoly-A count -- method 2"
for i in range(max_repeat):
    substr = ''.join(['A' for n in range(i+1)])
    count = 0
    pos = s.find(substr,0)
    while not pos == -1:
        count = count + 1
        pos = s.find(substr,pos+1)
    print substr, count

print "\npoly-T count -- method 1"
for i in range(max_repeat):
    substr = ''.join(['T' for n in range(i+1)])
    print substr, s.count(substr)

print "\npoly-T count -- method 2"
for i in range(max_repeat):
    substr = ''.join(['T' for n in range(i+1)])
    count = 0
    pos = s.find(substr,0)
    while not pos == -1:
        count = count + 1
        pos = s.find(substr,pos+1)
    print substr, count
print "\ntranslated sequence"
print p_max

print "\nraw record (please wait a moment...)"
ncbi_dict_raw = GenBank.NCBIDictionary('nucleotide', 'genbank')
raw_record = ncbi_dict_raw['119392085']
print raw_record

print '-' * 40
print "Xiaodi Wu, Biophysics 101, 2007-02-06\n"