Hao Sun Lab

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Professor Sun's Lab is focusing on (i) understanding the fundamental aspects of transcriptional regulation of both coding and noncoding genes; (ii) developing of new computational algorithms and tools for identifying novel biomarkers, particularly for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis using high-throughput DNA sequencing.

His research is computationally driven and interdisciplinary in nature with a complement of collaborative experimental investigation with bench scientists

Selected Publications:

1. Rossa W.K. Chiu, Hao Sun, Ranjit Akolekar, Christopher Clouser, Clarence Lee, Kevin Mckernan, Daixing Zhou, Kypros H Nicolaides, and Y.M. Dennis Lo. Maternal plasma DNA analysis using massively parallel sequencing by ligation for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 21. Clinical Chemistry. 2009 (In Press).

2. Wang H, Sun, H, Guttridge DC. microRNAs: novel components in a muscle gene regulatory network. Cell Cycle. 2009 Jun 15; 8(12): 1833-7.

3. Huating Wang, Ramiro Garzon, Hao Sun, Katherine J. Ladner, Ravi Singh, Jason Dahlman, Alfred Cheng, Brett M. Hall, Stephen J. Qualman, Dawn S. Chandler, Carlo M. Croce, and Denis C. Guttridge. NF-κB –YY1-miR-29 regulatory circuitry in skeletal myogenesis and rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancer Cell. 2008 Nov; 14(5): 369-81.

4. Shery T. Smitha, Priyankara Wickramasinghea, Andrew Olsonb, Dmitri Loukinovc, Lan Lina, Joy Denga, Yanping Xionga, John Ruxa, Ravi Sachidanandamd, Hao Sun, Victor Lobanenkovc and Jumin Zhou. Genome wide ChIP-chip analyses reveal important roles for CTCF in Drosophila genome organization. Developmental Biology. 2009 April; 328(2): 518-528.

5. Huating Wang, Erin Hertlein, Nadine Bakkar, Jingxin Wang, Hao Sun, Ramana Davuluri, and Denis C. Guttridge. NF-kB Regulation of YY1 Inhibits Skeletal Myogenesis through Transcriptional Silencing of Myofibrillar Genes. Molecular Cellular Biology. 2007 Jun; 27(12):4374-87.

6. R Garzon, F Pichiorri, T Palumbo, M visetini, R Aqeilan, A Cimmion, H Wang, H Sun, S Volnia, H Alder, GA Calin, and CM Croce. MicroRNA gene expression during retinoic acid-induced differentiation of human acute promyelocytic leukaemia. Oncogene, 2007, 26:4148–4157.

7. Sun H, Palaniswamy S, Jin V,Davuluri RV, MPromDb: An integrated resource for annotation and visualization of mammalian gene promoters and ChIP-chip experimental data, Nucleic Acids Research 2006 Database issue.

8. Palaniswamy SK, James S, Sun H, Davuluri, R.V., Grotewold E. AGRIS and AtRegNet: A platform to link cis-regulatory elements and transcription factors into regulatory networks. Plant Physiology. 2006 Mar, 140(3):818-29.

9. Saranyan K. Palaniswamy, Victor X, Jin, Hao Sun, Ramana V. Davuluri: OMGProm: A database of promoters of orthologus mammalian genes. Bioinformatics 21(6), 2005.

10. Victor X. Jin, Hao Sun, Twyla T. Pohar et al (2005). ERTargetDB: an integral information resource of transcription regulation of ER target genes, Journal of Endocrinology, 2005.

11. Sun H, Davuluri RV: Java-based application framework for visualization of gene regulatory region annotations. Bioinformatics 2004, 20(5):727-734.

12. Pohar TT, Sun H, Davuluri RV: HemoPDB: Hematopoiesis Promoter Database, an information resource of transcriptional regulation in blood cell development. Nucleic Acids Research 2004, 32 Database issue:D86-90.