Chemical and Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory
Sridharan Srinath successfully cleared Comprehensive Qualifying Examination
- Dr. Rudi Gunawan was recognized with the Best Paper of 2006 in Computers and Chemical Engineering
The Best Paper of 2006 from Computers and Chemical Engineering was awarded to Dr. Rudi Gunawan for the paper “Circadian Rhythm: A Natural, Robust, Multi-scale Control System” (co-authored with Francis J. Doyle III research group at UCSB). The paper presented a systems approach to the analysis and control of the circadian rhythm regulation in mammals and Drosophila, to study and manipulate its property at different scales; from a single-cell to tissue (population) level. The study revealed an evolved robust-yet-fragile architecture in the circadian rhythm network, an interesting property shared with modern engineered systems (e.g. airplanes). In addition, the paper demonstrated that the control of circadian phase is possible through precisely-timed light pulses, showing a promise in the treatment of sleeping disorders (including jet-lag).
Lakshmi Narayanan Lakshmanan joins the group as a Graduate Student under ChBE program
Jia Genjie joins the group as a Graduate Student under Singapore-MIT Alliance program
Huang Zhuqing joins the group as a Graduate Student under Singapore-MIT Alliance program
Suresh Kumar Poovathingal clears Oral Qualifying Examination
- Dr. Rudi Gunawan was recognized with the Best Methodology/Theory Paper in the period of 2005-2008 by the Journal of Process Control
The Methodology/Theory Paper Prize 2005-2008 from the Journal of Process Control was awarded to Dr. Rudi Gunawan for the paper “Perspectives on the Design and Control of Multiscale Systems” (co-authored with Richard D. Braatz, E. Seebauer, and R.C. Alkire research groups at UIUC). The paper presented a systematic method to the design and control of multiscale systems, in which the precise control of events at the molecular and nanoscale level is carried out at the macroscopic length scale. Two key applications from the microelectronics manufacturing were highlighted, including the ultrashallow p-n junction formation through rapid thermal annealing and the copper electrodeposition. The award was presented at the recent IFAC World Congress 2008 in Seoul Korea.