European Cetacean Society:conservation management, survey abundance
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Conservation Management and Survey Abundance
This is the page for research on this topic for members of European Cetacean Society (or ECS for short) and anybody else, who is interested or knowledgeable in this topic.
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Topics in this community
Any can be added by you, if you feel the need. You can also create subpages to this page.
Current procedures
Procedures, lab protocols, proper science, methodology. Where appropriate, you may also create protocol pages in the generic heading Protocols of OpenWetWare.
Running questions
Any unsolved questions, mysteries
Labs | Post-Docs | Grad Students | Research Assistants |
Post here any announcement for this group, for example new courses, job opportunities, training, conferences.
Scientific materials in use. Where appropriate, you may also create protocol pages in the generic heading Materials of OpenWetWare.