Drew Endy, Stanford Bioengineering
Shriram 252
443 Via Ortega
Stanford, CA 94305-4125
(650) 723-7027 (c/o Christine Dorosin)
Christine Dorosin, Stanford Bioengineering
Shriram 267 433 Via Ortega
Stanford, CA 94305-4125
Laboratory / Shipping Address
<Insert Name> c/o Endy Lab
Shriram Room 248
443 Via Ortega
Stanford, CA 94305-4125
If you want people to ship stuff to the lab via FedEx
Get the complete address, phone number, name of expediter, the date they're gonna send it, and the package weight.
If the shipment is international, then list each item, quantity, volume, and what container(s) the item is in (e.g., e.coli in 25, 1.5ml tubes). Also include if dry ice is needed because this must be noted on the shipment label.
Send the information to Christine: cdorosin@stanford.edu.
Christine will send you a FedEx shipping label in PDF.
Send the shipping label by email to the expediter; he/she can then affix the label to the envelope/box.
If dry ice is needed, then the expediter will need to
1) affix a "dry ice" label on the box;
2) hand-write the To/From addresses on the box, and
3) write "Dry Ice UN1845" on the box and the amount of dry ice in kg.
Laboratory Phone & Fax
Lab. (650) 721-6373
Fax. (650) 721-6602
Emergency Contact Info for Stanford
Building Emergency 723-2281
Call for flooding, electrical problems, lock-outs.
Fire and Police 9-911
Goes directly to PA police, they contact Stanford.
Catastrophic Emergency - Meet in the courtyard outside Coupa Cafe.