E. huxleyi PCR

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HOW TO ... PCR Rutgers, October 2004

1- Reagents needed (volume in each PCR tube)

All must be kept frozen and kept on ice during manipulations

- PCR buffer (2.5 µl)

- 10 nM dNTP's 10 nM (1.25 µl) [must not be thawed more than 25 times]

- MgSO4 (0.75 µl)

- 10 nM primer 1 (0.5 µl) [must not be thawed more than 25 times]

- 10 nM primer 2 (0.5 µl) [must not be thawed more than 25 times]

- RedTaq (1.25 µl)

- HPLC grade H2O (14.75 µl)

- 10x PCR enhancer (2.5 µl)
