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A project of DIYoutreach, a collaboration between DIYbiologists and synthetic biologists [1]

A directory of teachers who are interested in new teaching opportunities such as using the new ShoestringBiology2.0 resource to enrich their classrooms, are interested in partnering with professors to create new activities in their classrooms, or would be interested in taking part in training that would give them new perspectives on teaching biology and bioengineering in their classrooms.


Teacher: Julie Norville
Date: (signed up) January 26, 2009-(expects to be active till) 2010
Bio: a teacher at X high school 
Contact: diyoutreach at gmail dot com 
(if you do not want this listed, you may put "confidential-contact DIYoutreach" and send your contact info to 
diyoutreach at gmail dot com)
Relevant courses you teach: AP Biology II 
Interests: Working with a professor or DIYbiologists to create experiments that will enrich my class
Would like to be contacted when ShoestringBiology2.0 comes out
Interested in attending a teacher training program at a local university
Geographical location: Boston area
Local universities: MIT, Harvard, BU, etc.  (or none for an area that does not have them) 

If you do not want your name listed online you may create a confidential entry (and send your contact info to diyoutreach at gmail dot com if desired):

Info: confidential-make contact through DIYoutreach
Teaches: High school, AP Biology 
Location: Sweetwater, TX (no colleges nearby)
Interests: Contact me about teacher programs and send info when ShoestringBiology2.0 comes out