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Lauren Aronson


Research assistant

Division of Cell and Molecular Biology
Sir Alexander Flemming Building


Research Interests

  • Development of a protein array containing autoimmune antigens


B.Sc (University of Cape Town)

B.Sc (Med)(Hons) (Unviersity of Cape Town)


My publication

In this journal... in 2004...

// or you could use biblio if your publication is in pubmed: e.g

  1. John Smith. The art of saying nothing. Verbose Editions 1999.

  2. Ministerial Meeting on Population of the Non-Aligned Movement (1993: Bali). Denpasar Declaration on Population and Development. Integration. 1994 Jun(40):27-9. DOI:10.1234/2013/999990 | PubMed ID:12345678 | HubMed [coolpmid]