Conor Keith Week 14/15
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- The purpose of this assignment was to perform dynamical systems modeling on our microarray data.
- Download the GRNmap v1.4.4 code from the GRNmap Downloads page.
- This is a direct link to start downloading (28 MB).
- Unzip the file. (Right-click, 7-zip > Extract here)
- Launch MATLAB R2014b.
- Open GRNmodel.m, which will be in the directory that you unzipped GRNmap-1.4.4 > matlab
- Click the Run button (green "play" arrow).
- You will be prompted to select your input workbook.
- You will see an optimization diagnostics graphic that shows the progress of the estimation.
- When the run is over, expression plots will display.
- Output .xlsx and .mat files will be saved in the same folder as your input folder, along with .jpg files containing the optimization diagnostic and individual expression plots. Save these files.
- Note that if you need to run GRNmap again, you should not use the same directory for the input file. Currently, GRNmap will overwrite previous output.
- Also note that you should run the model on the same computer if you want to compare model runs.
- For this assignment I worked with my partner Nika in and out of class. Other than what was stated above, this project was completed by me and me alone without help from an outside source.
Conor Keith 03:01, 4 May 2017 (EDT)