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Various biology tasks can be handled by liquid-handling or tray-handling robots. The following robotic systems are used in some labs:
- Tecan: uses a graphical user interface called Gemini and/or EVOware to create scripts which are called Gemini Scripts (*.gem files). The Gemini application runs on Microsoft Windows, however it also provides a method for external applications to send text-string robot commands to control all aspects of the robot. The Gemini application can also call external programs while running a script.
- Biomek: Uses a graphical user interface to create scripts. The script language is called Bioscript and runs based on TCL/Tk.
(Please add others to this list)
Internet Resources for This Topic
- Jonathan Cline has created some scripts in Perl which command the Tecan robot directly.
- There is a Yahoo! Groups mailing list called TecanProgramming which has various Tecan discussion, and some Visual Basic example software for controlling the robot directly.
- There is a Yahoo! Groups mailing list called lrig-discussion for "Laboratory Robotics and Automation".
- There is a large industry organisation site at