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Book Chapters

The Actin Cytoskeleton: Central Regulator of Dendritic Spine Form and Function in: Dendritic Spines: Biochemistry, Modeling and Properties. ISBN 978-1-60741-460-5

Original Articles

Use of PB-Cre4 Mice for Mosaic Gene Deletion

Use of PB-Cre4 Mice for Mosaic Gene Deletion. PLOS ONE 2013 Jan 7; 8(1):e53501

Persistent Inflammation in a Prostate Tumor Model

Persistent Inflammation Leads to Proliferative Neoplasia and Loss of Smooth Muscle Cells in a Prostate Tumor Model. Neoplasia Volume 13 Number 8 August 2011 pp. 692–703

A Probasin-MerCreMer BAC allows inducible recombination in the mouse prostate

A Probasin-MerCreMer BAC allows inducible recombination in the mouse prostate. Genesis 2009 Nov;47(11):757-64.

Reversible, activity-dependent targeting of profilin to neuronal nuclei

Reversible, activity-dependent targeting of profilin to neuronal nuclei. Exp Cell Res 2006 Jul 15;312(12):2279-87.

Cytosolic, nuclear and nucleolar localization signals determine subcellular distribution and activity of the NF-kappaB inducing kinase NIK

Cytosolic, nuclear and nucleolar localization signals determine subcellular distribution and activity of the NF-kappaB inducing kinase NIK. J Cell Sci 2004 Jul 15;117(Pt 16):3615-24

Signaling molecules of the NF-kappa B pathway shuttle constitutively between cytoplasm and nucleus

Signaling molecules of the NF-kappa B pathway shuttle constitutively between cytoplasm and nucleus. J Biol Chem 2002 Mar 29;277(13):10842-51.


Functional remodeling of benign human prostatic tissues in vivo by spontaneously immortalized progenitor and intermediate cells

Functional remodeling of benign human prostatic tissues in vivo by spontaneously immortalized progenitor and intermediate cells. Stem Cells 2010 Feb;28(2):344-56.

IKK2/TRAF1 interaction

Interaction of the TNFR-Receptor Associated Factor TRAF1 with I-Kappa B Kinase-2 and TRAF2 Indicates a Regulatory Function for NF-Kappa B Signaling. PLoS One 2010 Sep 13;5(9):e12683

A mouse tool for conditional mutagenesis in ovarian granulosa cells

A mouse tool for conditional mutagenesis in ovarian granulosa cells. Genesis 2010 Oct 1;48(10):612-7.

GFP-NFkappaB dynamics

Dynamics of NF kappa B and Ikappa Balpha studied with green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins. Investigation of GFP-p65 binding to DNa by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. J Biol Chem 2000 Jun 2;275(22):17035-42

Review Articles

Profilin, a multi-modal regulator of neuronal plasticity File:Profilin review.pdf

Profilin, a multi-modal regulator of neuronal plasticity. Bioessays 2008 Oct;30(10):994-1002.