Book Chapters
The Actin Cytoskeleton: Central Regulator of Dendritic Spine Form and Function in: Dendritic Spines: Biochemistry, Modeling and Properties. ISBN 978-1-60741-460-5
Original Articles
Use of PB-Cre4 Mice for Mosaic Gene Deletion
Use of PB-Cre4 Mice for Mosaic Gene Deletion. PLOS ONE 2013 Jan 7; 8(1):e53501
Persistent Inflammation in a Prostate Tumor Model
Persistent Inflammation Leads to Proliferative Neoplasia and Loss of Smooth Muscle Cells in a Prostate Tumor Model. Neoplasia Volume 13 Number 8 August 2011 pp. 692–703
A Probasin-MerCreMer BAC allows inducible recombination in the mouse prostate
A Probasin-MerCreMer BAC allows inducible recombination in the mouse prostate. Genesis 2009 Nov;47(11):757-64.
Reversible, activity-dependent targeting of profilin to neuronal nuclei
Reversible, activity-dependent targeting of profilin to neuronal nuclei. Exp Cell Res 2006 Jul 15;312(12):2279-87.
Cytosolic, nuclear and nucleolar localization signals determine subcellular distribution and activity of the NF-kappaB inducing kinase NIK. J Cell Sci 2004 Jul 15;117(Pt 16):3615-24
Signaling molecules of the NF-kappa B pathway shuttle constitutively between cytoplasm and nucleus
Signaling molecules of the NF-kappa B pathway shuttle constitutively between cytoplasm and nucleus. J Biol Chem 2002 Mar 29;277(13):10842-51.
Functional remodeling of benign human prostatic tissues in vivo by spontaneously immortalized progenitor and intermediate cells. Stem Cells 2010 Feb;28(2):344-56.
Interaction of the TNFR-Receptor Associated Factor TRAF1 with I-Kappa B Kinase-2 and TRAF2 Indicates a Regulatory Function for NF-Kappa B Signaling. PLoS One 2010 Sep 13;5(9):e12683
A mouse tool for conditional mutagenesis in ovarian granulosa cells
A mouse tool for conditional mutagenesis in ovarian granulosa cells. Genesis 2010 Oct 1;48(10):612-7.
Dynamics of NF kappa B and Ikappa Balpha studied with green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins. Investigation of GFP-p65 binding to DNa by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. J Biol Chem 2000 Jun 2;275(22):17035-42
Review Articles
Profilin, a multi-modal regulator of neuronal plasticity File:Profilin review.pdf
Profilin, a multi-modal regulator of neuronal plasticity. Bioessays 2008 Oct;30(10):994-1002.