Biomod/2012/Titech/Nano-Jugglers/Methods/Varification catalase

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1.1. Power supply for rail-free movement by using catalase catalytic engine

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    For supplying power of Biomolecular Rocket, we experimented with another catalytic engine[1],[2],[3]. Catalase is known as an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrogen peroxide solution. And we expected that this enzyme will be new catalytic engine of the Biomolecular Rocket because an enzyme activity of this enzyme is 100,000 times stronger than that of platinum. In this experiment, we deposited Au for half surface of polystyrene beads and catalase conjugated onto polystyrene side. In addition, we observed behavior of the beads in diluted H2O2 solution.

[1]Javier Vicario, Rienk Eelkema, Wesley R. Browne, Auke Meetsma, Rene´ M. La Crois Ben,L. Feringa,;Chem. Commun, 3936–3938(2005)
[2]Davide Pantarotto, Wesley R. Browne and Ben L. Feringa,;Chem. Commun. 1533–1535(2008)
[3]Yosuke Yabe, Makiya Nishikawa, Ayumi Tamada, Yoshinobu Takakura, and Mitsuru Hashida,;JPET 289:1176–1184(1999)
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