Biomod/2012/Titech/Nano-Jugglers/Methods/Thiol conjugation

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Thiol conjugation

>>Result page is here

What is SAM?

    Self-assembled monolayers (SAM) of molecules are molecular assemblies formed spontaneously on substrate surfaces by chemical adsorption. This chemical reactions can be organized into large ordered domains and it is also possible to cover the substrate with functional end group that has some modification. In addition, few steps and experimental technique are required.
    SAMs are created by adsorption of head groups onto a substrate followed by a slow organization of tail groups. First, head groups are absorbed onto substrate over . In this phase, the surface of substrate is patterned with spots by dsorbeate molecules rather than beautiful membranes. Over the period of disordering form, the head groups assemble together on the substrate, while the tail groups assemble far from the substrate. Areas of concentrated molecules nucleate and grow until the surface of the substrate is covered in a single monolayer.

Thiol conjugation onto gold

    Thiolated compound and gold substrate are one of the most famous research of SAMs. Thiol modified DNA is conjugate to gold particles by this chemical reaction. Initially, substrate gold are cleaned by water or acid-base buffer in order to washout organic impurities. Gold particles are dissolved in 10mM phosphate buffer pH8, 10μM thiol modified DNA. Then in addition to NaCl, raise up to 0.7M salt concentration gradually over a day.Last,clean up again by proper buffer and dry. This reaction is also use ​​with platinum
    In order to accomplish our project ,we need platinum-DNA and gold-DNA conjugation, so we use thiol modified DNA.