Biological hardware description language
January 2010:
- present basic synthbio presentation to select audience at draper. identify ways which synthetic biology can further draper's biomed side.
- contact profs Weiss and Densmore about possible PhD opportunities
October 2010: take GREs and prepare statement of intent. The statement of intent should be a one page summary of your thesis proposal.
December 2010: apply for grad schools
Ron Weiss, MIT: ask about possible PhD slot and permission to sit in on lectures in the spring
Natalie Kuldell, MIT: ask about possible PhD slot and permission to sit in on lectures in the spring
Doug Densmore, BU: ask about possible PhD slots
Schools to consider
Review Articles
Programming cells: towards an automated 'Genetic Compiler'
Genetic design: rising above the sequence
Genetic parts to program bacteria
The second wave of synthetic biology: from modules to systems
Rule based constraints for the construction of genetic devices
Current tools
TinkerCell: modular CAD tool for synthetic biology
Computational design of synthetic gene circuits with composable parts
Modular modeling of cellular systems with ProMoT/Diva
SYCAMORE—a systems biology computational analysis and modeling research environment
GenoCAD for iGEM: a grammatical approach to the design of standard-compliant constructs
Gene Designer: a synthetic biology tool for constructing artificial DNA segments
GeneDesign 3.0 is an updated synthetic biology toolkit
Systems Biology Markup Language
LibSBML: an API Library for SBML