Beauchamp:word stimuli
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How to make noisy word stimuli (as of Oct2020)
This is the same method for making noisy word stimuli that was used in Rennings et al paper.
This method ONLY decreased the SNR in word videos, DID NOT change the SNR in the normalized pink noise video.
Steps for making AnV and An stimuli (noisy audiovisual and auditory-only videos)
Click here for detailed steps in PDF format.
Other method for making AnV and An stimuli (noisy audiovisual and auditory-only videos)
This method decreased the SNR in word videos AND increased the SNR in the normalized pink noise video.
The videos made by this method was saved as XXX_Oldmethod in our shared drive (e.g., wordvariability_-4dB_AnAcVAnVAcV_Oldmethod), and were used for the mTurk study 2020.
These videos were used as stimuli for subjects RQ, RR, RS, RT, RU, and RV.