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Learning more about Neuroimaging
To learn more about neuroimaging, consider the two course sequence taught by David Ress and Michael Beauchamp at Baylor College of Medicine.
Fundamentals of Human Neuroimaging
The first course in the sequence, taught in the Fall (Terms 1 and 2) is directed by David Ress. It is primarily a lecture course survey of neuroimaging methods and results. In 2016, the course was offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:45 am to noon from August 23 to December 13. The course schedule may change in the future, please contact Dr. Ress for schedule information. This course is listed as a BCM course (GS-NE-400) and is cross-listed at Rice as NEUR 430. Goals and learning objectives:
- Develop familiarity with basic neuroanatomy and electrophysiology.
- Understand the physical basis of magnetic resonance imaging of tissue structure, including the nuclear magnetic resonance, contrast mechanisms, image acquisition, signal processing, and scanner hardware.
- Understand the physiology of neurovascular coupling, and explore its effects on both optical signals and MRI.
- Understand basic concepts, hardware, and analysis of positron emission tomography.
- Become familiar with neuroscience imaging experiment design, analysis, and results, particularly as they are applied human vision science.
Neuroscience elective. 3 Credits for 2 terms (Terms 1 and 2). T/Th. Prerequisites: Introductory Calculus and Physics at the freshman level. Course director: David Ress, Ph.D.
Here is the syllabus for this class in 2016
Advanced Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Laboratory
The second course in the sequence, taught in the Spring, is directed by Michael Beauchamp, course director. The course is listed as BCM GS-NE-472 (350-472) and is cross-listed as Rice Psychology 585. This is a limited enrollment course focussed on practical MRI techniques. Students will collect and analyze MRI data. The course is designed for graduate students, fellows, and others actively collecting MRI data for a research project. The course is typically taught on Wednesdays from 9am to 11:30am. This is a 2 credit course with Pass/Fail grading. The prerequisite is completion of the first course in the sequence, GS-NE-400 (above) and permission of instructor. The course is taught in Term 4. This year, the dates for this term are March 13 - May 12, 2017 (last week is for final exams, so no class in final week).
- 3/16/16 CAMRI Safety Training (if not already completed). 10 - 10:45, CAMRI Conference Room.
- 3/23/16 fMRI Data Analysis Part I: Block Design
- 3/30/16 fMRI Data Analysis Part 2: Event-Related Design
- 4/6/16 Hands-On Dataset Analysis Introduction to data6
download all afni_data datasets from work through handouts at
- 4/13/16 Further Analysis of data6. afni06_decon.ppt NB: this uses the data in the afni_data2 folder.
- 4/20/16 AFNI Boot Camp in Tulsa, OK. Demo of Flywheel Data Management System.
- 4/27/16 Intro to DTI with Paul Taylor, contents TBD
- 5/4/16 Skype Class on Freesurfer
Course Details
Students will need to take an MRI safety course offered by CAMRI.