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Beauchamp Lab


Deploy RAVE on AWS EC2 Server

We are no longer providing a community instance of RAVE on AWS. RAVE 1.0 can be downloaded to your local machine along with demo data.

The following instructions were correct as of late 2019, though, if someone wants to deploy their own AWS instance of RAVE.

Step 1: Create AWS EC2 Server

  • In EC2 console, click instances link on the left navigation sidebar. Then click launch instances
  • Select Amazon Linux AMI. There might be multiple choices, select the first one. Make sure it's a x86 instance (R doesn't work in ARM CPUs)
  • In Choose Instance Type, select a proper instance scale (I recommend t2.large for testing purpose) depending on RAM, and click Next.
  • In Configure Instance, check
 [X] Protect against accidental termination
  • In Add Storage, add volume size to at least 16GB
  • In Configure Security Group, check
 [X] Select an existing security group

and check

 [X] sg-995c66e4   RAVE   RAVE Demo Service

On your local machine, Copy file rave.pem from Box/RAVE/AWS EC2 Key to your home directory. To find this directory, open Spotlight (command+space) and type "~/".

  • When You click launch button, a message box will pop out asking to select a keypair. Select

and launch instance

Step 2: Connect to EC2 via terminal

  • Login to Management Console. Go to instances, Right-click on the instance you created. Click connect. Copy the line below "Example".

In my case, it's

 ssh -i "rave.pem"
  • Open terminal on your local machine, paste the line you just copied, hit enter. If this is the first time, it might asks you to store ssh key. Enter "yes"

Step 3: Install RAVE on EC2

  • Install epel
 sudo yum install epel-release

If error occurs, read error message. Usually it will give you solution. For example in my case,

 epel-release is available in Amazon Linux Extra topic "epel"
 To use, run
 # sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel

Then I copied the last line ("sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel", with no "#") and paste that in command line, hit enter.

  • Install R
 sudo yum install R
  • Install OpenMPI
 sudo yum install openmpi-devel -y

Check if library is installed

 ls /usr/lib64/openmpi

If files are printed out, then it means the library is installed, then

 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin
  • Install HDF5

Download and compile

 wget "$HDF5_RELEASE_URL/hdf5-${HDF5_VERSION%.*}/hdf5-$HDF5_VERSION/src/hdf5-$HDF5_VERSION.tar.gz"
 tar -xzf "hdf5-$HDF5_VERSION.tar.gz"
 cd "hdf5-$HDF5_VERSION"
 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local

Make install

 sudo make install

Add HDF5 lib path to environment (Important)

 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
 echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib' >> ~/.bashrc 
  • Install Devtools
 sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' -y
 sudo yum install libcurl-devel -y
 sudo yum install openssl-devel -y
 sudo yum install libxml2-devel -y
 sudo yum install fftw-devel -y
 sudo yum install v8-devel -y

Enter R,

 sudo R


 install.packages('devtools', repos='')

Exit R

  • Install Github Repos.

Enter R command line:


Install dependencies


Install dev version of RAVE (optional)


Quit R commandline


Step 4:Install Shiny Server and configure R

  • Install Shiny Server
 sudo yum install --nogpgcheck shiny-server- 
  • Configure shiny server
 sudo nano /etc/shiny-server/shiny-server.conf

Check the server conf file as follows:

 run_as ec2-user;
 server {
   listen 80;...

Use control+X to quit, press Y and hit enter to save

  • Create a file to launch RAVE

In terminal,

 cd ~
 nano app.R

Edit app.R like follows

 tempdir(check = TRUE)

Use control+X to quit, press Y and hit enter to save

  • Move app.R to shiny server and restart

In terminal:

 sudo cp app.R /srv/shiny-server/
 sudo rm /srv/shiny-server/index.html
 sudo systemctl restart shiny-server
  • Test if shiny server starts
 Go to AWS console, click your instance, find Public DNS (IPv4), copy to browser as URL, open that web address

You should be able to see RAVE running

  • Download RAVE demo subject

In your terminal


In R environment, download a demo subject


Quit R

  • Link your instance to a public IP address

If you have a public IP address, for example, in openwetware RAVE section, I have a RAVE instance link, this link is an IP address. It's important that this IP address linked to correct instance.

Go to AWS instances, keep down your instance ID. For example, in my case is "i-095a9e12dc083544a".

Go to Elastic IPs (from sidebar)

 Action > Associate address > Choose your instance ID (select i-095a9e12dc083544a) > [X] Allow Elastic IP to be reassociated if already attached