Beauchamp Lab wiki
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Penn McGurk Battery
To make it easier to study the McGurk effect, the Beauchamp Lab has released the Penn McGurk Battery, consisting of 16 different McGurk stimuli. Instructions for use:
1) Download both PowerPoint files
Click each link below. This will take you to the DropBox website, where you should click the "Download" button on the top left.
PennMcGurkBattery_A_Aud.PPTX PennMcGurkBattery_B_AV.PPTX
2) Prepare to record participant responses
We recommend using a mobile phone's audio recording app ("Voice Memos" on iPhone) to record the entire session. This keeps a record of each stimulus and response. Alternately, the participant or experimenter can write or type each response on paper or electronically.
3) Present the stimuli
Open PowerPoint and adjust the volume. Enter presentation mode. First, present
This is the baseline measurement. Next, present
We recommend presenting PennMcGurkBattery_B_AV.PPTX multiple times (3 times, 5 times, or 10 times) for a more accurate measurement.
4) McGurk Scoring
For the file PennMcGurkBattery_B_AV.PPTX: for each response different than "ba", one point is awarded. Divide the number of points by the total number of stimuli presented (16 stimuli * the number of times through the entire file).
5) Control Analysis
The PennMcGurkBattery_A_Aud.PPTX contains the stimuli in the same order as in the AV file, but in auditory-only (A) format. The A-only stimuli should always elicit a "ba" response. If a particular stimulus does not elicit a "ba" response for a participant, consider discarding the audiovisual version of this stimulus from the total McGurk score for that participant.