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BME377T: Social Entrepreneurship & Engineering

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Social Entrepreneurship & Engineering
Course Syllabus
Spring 2008


Course Description

  • Unique: 13969
  • Days: Mondays & Wednesday
  • Times: 5:00-6:30p
  • Location: GAR 0.120

Interdisciplinary course exploring entrepreneurial and engineering solutions to local, domestic, and international issues. Course includes learning to analyze problems identified by the class and communicating their importance strategically to target audiences, then creating and presenting proposals for “innovations for the good.”


  1. Creativity
  2. Brainstorming Social Issues
  3. Bringing Social Awareness
  4. Think Tank (Problem Solving)


Topic Points
Social Issues 15
Social Awareness   20
Think Tank 20
Portfolio 15
Participation 30
Total 100
  • Participation includes attendance and engagement in short assignments.
  • Assignments are announced in class, posted on the announcement and Assignments portion of class website.
  • Projects are posted in the projects portion of the website.
    • Followed by each project is a presentation.
    • All projects will be contained in your digital portfolio, which will be turned in at the end of the semester. Remember to keep track of and document all of your projects (pictures, videos, methods, etc). Portfolio will also include a self-evaluation of your efforts in the course.
  • Late work is NOT acceptable. Failure to meet deadlines counts as a ZERO for that assignment (no partial credit).