BME103 s2013:TEMPwu1
BME 103 Spring 2013 | Home People Lab Write-Up 1 Lab Write-Up 2 Lab Write-Up 3 Course Logistics For Instructors Photos Wiki Editing Help | ||||||||||||||
OUR TEAMLAB 1 WRITE-UPInitial Machine TestingThe Original Design
When we unplugged (part 3) from (part 6), the machine ... (did what? fill in your answer) When we unplugged the white wire that connects (part 6) to (part 2), the machine ... (did what? fill in your answer)
(Write the date you first tested Open PCR and your experience(s) with the machine)
ProtocolsThermal Cycler Program
Research and DevelopmentSpecific Cancer Marker Detection - The Underlying Technology (Add a write-up of the information discussed in Week 3's class) (BONUS points: Use a program like Powerpoint, Word, Illustrator, Microsoft Paint, etc. to illustrate how primers bind to the cancer DNA template, and how Taq polymerases amplify the DNA. Screen-captures from the OpenPCR tutorial might be useful. Be sure to credit the source if you borrow images.)