BME100 f2015:Group7 8amL1

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Name: Farah Al Yasari
Name: Rafael Lopez
Name: Tristan Loveday
Name: Jeremy Atikson
Name: Andrew Medina
Name: Kelly Harper


Independent and Dependent Variables

Independent Variables: Dosage of Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) provided to elderly patients is independent because LPS has been proven by prior testing to affect the amount of the inflammatory protein, Inflammotin.

Dependent Variable: Amount of Inflammotin produced in patients is dependent because Inflammotin is directly affected by LPS and can be used as a measure of inflammation.

Experimental Design

The experiment will use six groups of ten subjects each. The control group will be given 0 mg of LCP in order to provide a baseline measurement of the Inflammotin. The remaining five groups will be given doses of 2 mg, 4 mg, 6 mg, 8 mg, and 10 mg respectively in order to measure the effects of the increased dosages. By increasing the dosage by two mg per group, more data can be collected to determine what the minimal dosage of Inflammotin is in order to cause the desired effect.

Half of the subjects in each group will be between 65 and 70 years of age, while the other half will be between 70 and 75 years of age to further eliminate discrepancies in the groups due to age. In addition, each group will be comprised of half men and half women.

The general standard for “elderly” in terms of medical treatment is 65 years of age and older. Subjects that are too old, however, may alter results because they do not accurately represent the elderly population. All of our subjects will therefore be within the ages of 65 to 75, because that range will both qualify as elderly and represent the majority of the elderly population.

Number of subjects per group
Each group consists of 10 subjects to increase the accuracy of testing.

Subject Selection

Subjects will also be tested before the experiment to determine that they have normal levels of inflammotin in their blood (<1mg per liter of blood). Moreover, subjects will be tested for immunity to LPS before the experiment. Lastly, subjects will be screened to make sure that they are in general good health, and are experiencing no conditions (illness, infections) that could alter their inflammatory response. The screening will include both an examination and a background check of medical records. This should ensure that all subjects have a similar response to LPS.

250 people within the ages of 65 and 75 will be screened for the experiment. These people will be selected randomly from the general population. Of the pool of people who meet the requirements, 60 will be randomly selected (as long as the age and gender requirements are met) to participate in the study. The experimenters will not meet the subjects prior to selecting who will be a part of the study; rather, the potential subjects will be screened by separate personnel to make sure that subjects are chosen only based on the available data.

Sources of Error and Bias

Source of error: Inadequate variability in age groups

Control: Divide subjects half 65-70 and half 70-75 in all 6 groups

Source of error: Immunity

Control: Test subjects before they are included in study to ensure none have any immunity to lipopolysaccharide

Source of error: Health issues

Control: Provide baseline medical history for Inflammotin

Source of error: Gender differences

Control: Since the drug can test differently in different genders, we must ensure that there are an equal number of men and women in each test group