BME100 f2015:Group6 1030amL1

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Andres X. Gandara
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Caroline Dolt
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Chricitan B. Adane
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Rex C. Moore
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Kamrie Ickes
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Connor Beck


Independent and Dependent Variables

Independent Variables: The amount of lipopolysaccharide in mg that will be administered to the patients.

Dependent Variables: The amount of Inflammotin protein that is produced in the elderly.

Experimental Design

This will be a double-blind experiment where neither the patient nor administrator knows what dosage the subject is receiving. Once a total number of 180 subjects is acquired, they will be split into 90 male and 90 female. Each of these groups will be assigned a number between 1 and 90 and the numbers will be put into a random number generator. The first 15 male and 15 female subjects will be put into the control group, the next 15 male and 15 female will be put in group 1, and so on until all groups are filled. Over 12 weeks, subjects' blood will be taken once a week and Inflammotin levels will be evaluated.

Control group: 0 mg LPS Group 1: 10 mg LPS Group 2: 8 mg LPS Group 3: 6 mg LPS Group 4: 4 mg LPS Group 5: 2 mg LPS

The control (0 mg) group serves as a baseline to compare the data from the other groups. This group will receive a placebo in order to limit patient views which could affect the results. Going from 10 mg to 2 mg allows the experimenters to see how low the dosage can be and how each dose affects the increase in Inflammotin. Depending on the dose, the level of increase may change.

The focus of this drug is the elderly so the ages of our subjects will be 65-80.

Number of subjects per group
Within each group, there will be 15 male and 15 female subjects to make a total of 30 subjects in each group. To prevent confounding, subjects should be as healthy as possible and have low levels of Inflammotin.


Subject Selection

We will be choosing subjects between the ages of 65-85. Subjects will be evenly distributed as male and female. They must not have any prior major medical conditions, and should take minimal medication during, as well as 2 weeks before the study begins. Our potential subject will be numbered and picked randomly to negate race, muscularity, along with other genetic characteristics. Subjects then, as said in the experimental design portion, will be randomly placed into the groups in our double blind study.

Sources of Error and Bias

Other medicines could affect the lipoloysaccharide's's ability to increase Inflammotin levels. To fix this error, subjects should not take the medication if they are being medicated by another doctor. Diet and exercise might also affect lipoloysaccharide's ability to increase Inflammotin levels, negitivily or positively. Although we cannot currently control the specific diets of our patients as well as over see their physical activity, they will record their intake and exercise and we will use it comparatively in our data, viewing the correlating effects. Another prevalent source of error may be the race of the patients as lipoloysaccharide's effect may differ according to race. To eliminate this error we will record the race of our subjects and use the data accordingly in our experiment. Lastly, the degradation of Inflammotin over time in the blood sample could lead to inaccurate results. To fix this error, the sample must be tested immediately after being received.